Muhammad Arif Azeemi is a genuine value addition to the world of Social Development and corporate sectors, with his innovative ideas in the fields of Training. As a consultant and trainer he has conceptualized, planned and conducted Behavior Modification Programs. He has expertise in Behavior Modification techniques, Conflict Resolution, Leadership skills, Problem Solving techniques, Effective Relationship and team Building. He has many professional experiences as in (Training Consultant at Visionary Foundation Pakistan, RI&CA Pakistan, Innovator Management Consultant, United King Foods (Pvt.) Ltd., Associate Behavior Modification Consultant at LAMBDA Consulting Group, ZHUN Travels & Tours, CEO at Helping Hands Trust (HHT)
He has many associations with Helping Hands Trust as a Voice Chairman, Parwaz Male Health Society as a Board Member, Visionary Foundation of Pakistan as a Manager Trainings, DWA(Disable Welfare Association) as a Member & Motivational Speaker, Shaffaf Welfare Trust as a Member Governing Body, Surjani Town Sports & Welfare Association as a President.