SSWA-Surjani Sports Welfare Association
It is really good that you are targeting the youngsters (under12 or under14) on prior basis to provide them basic primary ...
Your NGO established a welfare clinic in the town where no public hospital exists. Private clinics charge big amount on account ...
The NGO is providing a plate form for the youngsters of Surjani town to show their skills of participation and engaging ...
The Surjani Town Sports & Welfare Association is an independent non-profit nongovernmental organization established in 1994 by Khuwaja Shams uddin Azeemi, Dr Waqar Yousuf Azeemi and intellectual figures to provide development and humanitarian assistance to peoples of Surjani town, Since its establishment, the Surjani Town Sports & Welfare Association (SSWA) has identified several components of success and been seriously and persistently working towards them over the years. They include, basing performance on high-quality international standards; adhering to the comprehensive value system of national commitment; working independently and professionally; and focusing on the principals of strict auditing, accountability and transparency. Using these components of success, the SSWA has managed its development projects, over the past 22 years and carefully measuring the impact of its work