SSWA-Surjani Sports Welfare Association



Surjani town is a newly populated area of Karachi (north). It is thickly populated with middle class families. The town is far away from the main city. Due to this the people of Surjani town cannot share most of the benefits of development in Karachi city. Especially the young people of the town were almost marginalized or isolated socially and economically in the sense they cannot share the benefits of development. They were suffering from continuously same environment because of no entertainment and change in their lives. Because of low income of families they cannot go to the main city and enjoy the changing in their lives or to entertain them, and avail the benefits of development.


After the observation of problems in the town, in 1994A.D, the followers of “A friend of Allah (spiritual scholar) HAZRAT KHUAJA SHAMS-UD-DIN AZEEMI”, came forward to solve the problems of the people of town, and established SURJANI TOWN SPORTS AND WELFARE ASSOCIATION, registered under the act of joint stock company with registration number PAR/KAR/No 2727 of 1994 according to constitution of Pakistan.

The Welfare Association is an independent non-profit nongovernmental organization established in 1994 by a group of ………………………..and intellectual figures to provide development and humanitarian assistance to peoples of Surjani town , , Since its establishment, the Welfare Association (WA) has identified several components of success and been seriously and persistently working towards them over the years. They include, basing performance on high-quality international standards; adhering to the comprehensive value system of national commitment; working independently and professionally; and focusing on the principals of strict auditing, accountability and transparency. Using these components of success, the WA has managed its development projects, spending about USD ……. million over the past thirty years and carefully measuring the impact of its work.


Surjani is an area in district west of Karachi near northern by pass. It is populated with lower middle class families having low income. People of the area were suffering from economic problems and social isolation.

In 1994 a friend of Allah (spiritual scholar) established a non-governmental organization with a vision “The facilities for survival should be in reach of all individuals”, and a mission “To provide all possible facilities within the capacity of N.G.O”. The aims and objectives of NGO are:

  • To provide health facilities in the area.
  • To promote educational activities.
  • To provide sports and facilities to promote sports in the area.
  • To develop and to promote the development of Community centers, Industrial homes, Gymnasium, Swimming pools, Eid-gaah, Mosques, Mousselines, Sports, in the area.

On chasing its goals Surjani town sports and welfare association is concluded successful to follow the aims and objectives and in covering of milestones on account of health, education and sports. It is welcomed to establish industrial home and also to sponsor the education of outstanding students.

It is recommended to this NGO:

  • To do more on account of education.
  • To do more on account of general, special health (maternal health)
  • Consider the say of people in every project.

This NGO has a positive perception in people’s mind. It working with full of its capacity and its capacity is increasing with successful compellation of its projects.


The vision of Surjani town sports and welfare is “The facilities for survival should be in reach of all individuals”.


The mission of Surjani town sports and welfare is “To provide all possible facilities within the capacity of N.G.O”.


  • To provide health facilities in the area.
  • To promote educational activities.
  • To provide sports and facilities to promote sports in the area.
  • To develop and to promote the development of Community centers, Industrial homes, Gymnasium, Swimming pools, Eid-gaah, Mosques, Mousselines, Sports, in the area.


Health (running project)

Surjani town sports and welfare association is providing health facilities to the people of town, by opening a CLINIC named as “SURJANI WELFARE CLINIC” in the area, where it is providing basic health facilities, general O.P.Ds, basic necessary medicines in a very low cost, so that it could be beneficial for the people of town.

Education (running project)

Surjani town sports and welfare association from the year of 2012 added education to its aim list and from the end of 2014 it designed a project by the name of “READ AND SUCCED”. Under this project SS&WA will provide basic primary education to 200 hundred needy children (through a selection process) with emphasis on English learning. The students are provided by bags, stationary, books and copies free of cost. In future, it is thinking to sponsor some outstanding students for further education.

3. Sports (running project)

Under the organization Surjani town sports and welfare association, “SURJANI SPORTS CLUB” from 1994 providing healthy activities to the young people of town, in which

  • Looking after the ground.
  • Practice facilities for teams.
  • Provide sports kits.
  • Representation of club in different events, organized at city level.
  • Cricket tournaments in Surjani town from the plate form of Surjani sports club.
  • Matches and free coaching camps.
  • Watching of matches of National team on big screen with local people, for entertainment.
  • Organization of 1st Azeemi T-20 tournament.
  • Organization of 2nd Azeemi T-20 tournament.
  • Organization of New Karachi cricket tournament.
  • 1st Surjani cricket champion trophy.
  • Participation in Asghar Ali Shah night trophy (in Ramadan).
  • Participation in Asghar Ali Shah t-20 tournament of NASA.
  • Construction of K.M.C cricket and football ground at the area about 248000 square feet.are highlighted.

4. Environmental sustainability

Tree planting

Tree planting is easiest solution to provide better environment. It is also a good hobby of leisure time and a way to prevent our mother (Earth) from damages. Surjani town sports and welfare association organized some events in which their volunteers and local young people came forward and plant 150 small trees to help the environment, to do a good deed in leisure time and also to have a fascinating view of area.

Dengue spray

Surjani town sports and welfare association runs a campaign on the basis of self service for “DENGUE SPRAY” in rain season and also at the time when many people of other areas become a victim of this disease

Contamination of stagnant water

After the heavy rain water stores in holes, street and roads which is harmful not only for pedestrian to walk through the roads but it also produces bacterial disease in the area. To overcome this problem after the heavy rains Surjani town sports and welfare association runs a campaign of pesticide spray and contamination of rain water stored in different places.